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Village Yoga

Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching


You are what you eat! Food can be fun and delicious and there is no need to deprive yourself.

Sinead is obsessed with good quality Nutrition. Not just for how you look on the outside but how you feel on the inside and how food will affect your mood and energy levels. Sinead knows what it is like to stress about food. She readily admits her own diet was very bad for many years and she suffered from irritable bowl and stomach issues until her late 20’s when she decided to learn more. This is a real every day problem for many people and we want to help you and your family achieve your optimum health for your optimum life and energy.

Sinead’s aim is to take the stress out of food for you and your family and to make it easier and less daunting. Sinead believes that by improving your overall nutrition you will lose weight if you need to. Weight management will happen naturally once you start working with a coach.

Be clear! Sinead is not a Dietician. Dietician’s work in a clinic setting ordinarily. Sinead is a qualified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and is qualified to work with you now as long as you do not have a medical condition.


Choice of Packages

Family Fundamentals

One consultation with follow up dietary analysis, one shopping trip, one follow up

First Steps

Two consultations and detailed dietary analysis using specialist software and meal planning and follow up sessions

Empowerment Package

8 week package First consultation, dietary analysis, second consultation, meal planning, follow up 40 min online call each week for 6 weeks

Follow Ups


Contact us now for a chat about how we can work with you

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