Village Yoga

About Us


Meet Sinead

As a mother and lawyer working in a pressurised and competitive environment, Sinead has found yoga, breathing exercises and mindfulness to be the perfect counterbalance.

Helping her to stay grounded and connected to what really matters in life and to develop a compassionate perspective on life’s ups and downs. Sinead is deeply interested in the healing benefits of yoga and has experienced them first hand. She has a keen interest in yogic philosophy. Sinead’s introduction to yoga came at just the right time in the midst of an economic recession and while she went through a marriage break up. Her sisters dragged her to a Bikram yoga class (yoga practised in 40-degree heat) and after the first class she slept better than she had in the preceding year. She was hooked!

Sinead started attending Pilates classes 20 years ago while living in Dublin and felt taller leaving the class every evening. She is a firm believer is the benefits of Pilates and she continues to see how valuable Pilates is to support and strengthen the body. Sinead is a certified APPI instructor and has trained in the world renowned Stott Pilates method. Pilates has provided a deeper education on postural alignment and core strengthening.

Sinead enjoys the gym and lifting weights, cycling and hiking. She has completed a Level 9 Post Graduate Diploma in Executive Coaching and is studying to be a personal trainer. Sinead is committed to optimising your life physically, mentally and spiritually and will support you on your journey.

Sinead is a qualified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. In this role Sinead can work with you to optimise your nutrition so you get the best out of food without denying yourself. She can work with you to support weight management and take the stress out of meal planning.

Your body is sacred and as such needs to be treated with reverence. It is important to nourish your body well and to keep yourself pain free so that you can get on with connecting to an even deeper part of you. Expanding your conscious awareness and insight begins with self care and self love.

Let us show you where to begin..

For more about Nutrition Coaching click here





& Lifestyle Coaching




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